I've got a composite image built up from Red Green and Blue composite colours. Each channel represents the differing concentration of a different variable in each location - with 0 being the lowest concentration and 255 the highest.I'm bringing each of these unique values together on the composite image to form a colour based on the RGB values.
That bit is straight forward - although I'm trying to find a useful way in which to represent the colour scheme derived as a Legend. I've tried various RGB triangles and cubes, although nothing seems to fit quite right.I was wondering if anyone had attempted this before / could point me in the direction of some Creative Commons images that could be used to this end?Heres a screen shot of what I'm trying to represent:
That bit is straight forward - although I'm trying to find a useful way in which to represent the colour scheme derived as a Legend. I've tried various RGB triangles and cubes, although nothing seems to fit quite right.I was wondering if anyone had attempted this before / could point me in the direction of some Creative Commons images that could be used to this end?Heres a screen shot of what I'm trying to represent: