I am trying to rasterize a SSURGO shape file into UTM coordinates with 5m resolution.
My first step gives me a GeoTiff with 3000x3000 pixels in lat/lon.
gdal_rasterize -a MUKEY -ts 3000 3000 -l soilmu_a_ga021 soilmu_a_ga021.shp ssurgo.tif
Then I can convert it to UTM by using: gdalwarp -of GTiff -t_srs EPSG:26916 ssurgo.tif ssurgoutm.tif
And finally, I can resample to 5m resolution with: gdalwarp -r near -tr 5 5 ssurgo.tif 5mssurgo.tif
My questions are -- I chose 3000x3000 because that was the default for QGIS. How can I make this choice intelligently? Secondly, this was in UTM Zone 16, which is why I chose EPSG:26916. Is there anyway to do the conversion so that the zone is determined automatically by gdal?
My first step gives me a GeoTiff with 3000x3000 pixels in lat/lon.
gdal_rasterize -a MUKEY -ts 3000 3000 -l soilmu_a_ga021 soilmu_a_ga021.shp ssurgo.tif
Then I can convert it to UTM by using: gdalwarp -of GTiff -t_srs EPSG:26916 ssurgo.tif ssurgoutm.tif
And finally, I can resample to 5m resolution with: gdalwarp -r near -tr 5 5 ssurgo.tif 5mssurgo.tif
My questions are -- I chose 3000x3000 because that was the default for QGIS. How can I make this choice intelligently? Secondly, this was in UTM Zone 16, which is why I chose EPSG:26916. Is there anyway to do the conversion so that the zone is determined automatically by gdal?