Rain Forest Roads

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
This Case study shows how GIS has been used to give Socio-spatial information to the country of Brazil to better manage and propagate the Amazonian basin and State lands. Citing manly roads as the primary cause of deforestation by fragmenting the forest into a Dendritic pattern. With the use of Geographic Modeling and methods to determine the true area roads in particular take up in this area. Discovering that State and federal "official roads" only account for .005 km2 of the land of the Amazonian Basin while unofficial or logging roads and agricultural roads account for near .586 km2 of the land. Giving reason to concentrate on the pattern and expansion of these unofficial logging roads. Although these temporary logging roads can quickly be consumed and taken over by the forest they often allow access from villagers and expansive farms to take root in the land and prevent new growth.
The map above represents the "dendritic" identified with deforestation and expansion of civilizations, many studies have been done to identify why this method is replicated by humans in the environment. Ariba uses GIS to see if hydro-logical patterns play a role in both the Expansion of logging roads but also density of the Forest.

Arima, E. Y., & Walker, R. T. (2008). Emergent Road Networks. In The Fragmentation of Space in the Amazon Basin: (6th ed., Vol. 74). N.p.: 2008 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
