QGIS and QT library- code compilation problem

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So, I am trying to workout an GIS standalone application using QGIS and QT C++ Libraries on linux(ubuntu 15.04). I am following this tutorial: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Code-Examples Taking the first tutorial as an example, I am not able to compile it using the directions provided in the tutorial. I have installed QGIS by: apt-get install qgis I am not able to get through the "cmake .." step as it is saying it cannot find QGIS

The steps are: -

svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/code_examples/1_hello_world_qgis_style cd 1_hello_world_qgis_style

mkdir build //optionally specify where your QGIS is installed (should work on all platforms)

//if your QGIS is installed to /usr or /usr/local you can leave this next step out

export LIB_DIR=/home/timlinux/apps

cmake ..



Please provide a solution.
