Q-GIS: Clip raster by extent

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I want to clip a raster by extent in Q-GIS with the python consol. Here is the description given in the documentation.You have to use the following input parameter:

  • Input layer
  • Nodata value (no_data)
  • Clipping extent (projwin)
  • Additional creation parameter (extra)
  • output
The syntax is:

processing.runalg('gdalogr:cliprsterbyextent', input, no_data, projwin, extra, output)

I use the following data:

input = "C:/Users/....../inputraster.tif"

no_data= , , [I leave it empty]

projwin = 4278848, 3020676, 4297792, 3024646 [without " "]

extra = , , [I leave it empty]

output = "C:/Users/....../outputraster.asc"

I used these given examples in several variations, but I alway get a SyntaxError: invalid syntax.

As I am trying to figure out the answer already since a few hours, I would appreciate an answer - even its probably not the smartes question. Thanks.
