In schedule the next "block of functions" has been released with ProOffice 2.2 on 5th of October.Newly added products like Checklists for Maintenance or flexible Objects enhance your flexibility and fields of use - also because there are numerous new features in the base system.
With ProOffice 2.2 you getBase System:
[only relevant in Germany]grafik/CAD
With ProOffice 2.2 you getBase System:
- Rights-management for reports: Which role - which report?
- Detailed rights-management in role management itself
- New supported Catalogues
- Batch-Import for Documents
- Excel-Export to Template-Tables!
- Enhanced LDAP-Support
- Online Manual available
- Improved GIS Widget
[only relevant in Germany]grafik/CAD
- Importprotocol CAD – a protocol document is automatically generated, containing layers, errors, ...
- Tools/Appliances/Machinery can be imported with the CAD-Drawing - including room-assignment
- Batch-Import of DXF-Files
- general availability of checklists for maintenance tasks
- Checklists can be made mandatory and contain mandatory steps
- VDMA Catalogues with predefined Checklists are available as import templates
- Individual Checklists can be defined globally and used individually
- Create your own Ojects and structures and import them. I.E. make a rentable parking space an object within your parking lot and assign a rental agreement, contract, reminder ...
- Manage Locking Systems, keys, Zylinders and Doors/Gates. One of the main processes to cover here is expense and retraction of keys.
- If combined with ProOffice building, Doors/Gates can be part of managed spaces, too.