Projection bug between overlay and base layers

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طاقم الإدارة
I am making a WebGIS application for a course and I am trying to integrate some nice base layers like OMS, Stamen, and Bing Maps with my overlay layers that are for Bolivia from a Bolivian map platform. The Bolivian layers are in EPSG:32719 but on geoserver I have reprojected them into EPSG:4326. The base layers are apparently in a different projection but whatever I have tried I cannot get the two to show up together. Using the Blue Marble base layer or the NASA global topography base layer works with the Bolivian layers but not with the nicer base layers that are apparently in EPSG:3857. Any help is appreciated. I have included the whole source code below.

Carte des risques La Paz, Bolivie

Risques naturels La Paz El Alto

Auteurs: Marina de Vasconcelos Pinheiro et Robert Marinkovic

