Project Polygon using ArcGIS API for JavaScript

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I recently did a javascript application that has since stopped working, well partially. The users enters an address, then they are presented various voting related information State Rep, State Senator, voting precinct, school dist etc. When the user clicks 'show district', the respective district (State Rep, School Dist etc) polygon should highlight, and indeed it did when deployed.

Just recently I was notified it did not work anymore. It seems to be a problem with the basemap being in one spatial reference and my reference layers being in another. I can possibly get my ref layers changed, but this will require an act of congress. I was trying to reproject my reference polygons via GeometryService to project onto my basemap, but got nowhere. My geometries did not return in the callback.

Current Prod:

Address (copy/paste): 1 Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201
