Migrate to ProOffice 2.0 – and you'll have many new features and options in the base system and the focused solutions:base system
- Each List has a simple entry line for filtering now - less GUI-Interaction needed
- A calender wherever you need it – months, weeks or (new) daily overview
- Multi-selections are much easier now - you asked for this
- Appliances/Tools and inventory can be assigned to persons now - comes in handy!
- The new WebOffice map widget is used – tailored to match the requirements of ProOffice users
- OpenStreetMap supported natively – A global free map for your use
- All existing solutions can now be extended by adding a contract management solution
- Contracts for different objekts including energy with meters
- Tree Inventory
- Create the geometry of a new tree or improve it locally - using GPS or manual input on the map interface
- Optimized workflow for survey/control and assesment
- Classification of damages now based on predefined lookup-tables - be faster and more precise
- Optionally add comments for different sections of a tree
- Import-list functionality extended - to ease migration
- Maintenance
- Internal Tasks and outsourced orders can be properly assigned to property - building - room
- Create Orders as Word-documents
- Property management (Buildings and real estate):
- Hierarchical display of property - building - section - floor - room – time-saving!
- Many improvements to the graphics-module:
- Layer handling
- Visibility
- Scaling
- Labeling/Text
- CAD attribute import
- Export as DXF
In short we will release additional solutions based on ProOffice v2.2 then:
- lighting inventory
- sewage