Problems in overlaying NWS flood maps on Google maps

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Hope you are doing good.

My team is trying to overlay NWS flood maps on to Google maps. The steps we are following are as given below.

  1. We downloaded the flood maps from NWS in the raster format with NAD83 projection
  2. Converted the raster to Geotiff format with NAD83 projection
  3. Using GDAL, converted the Geotiff with NAD83 projection to PNG with WGS84 projection (EPSG:3857)
  4. Overlaid the PNG with WGS84 projection onto Google maps.
When overlaid, the river body in the flood footprint does not match with the river body in Google maps. However, the original footprint is shown overlaying exactly on Google maps in the NWS website (

We have been struggling with this for quite sometime with little luck so far. Any help to solve this problem is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,RuzmanRuzman
