Problem with schema synchronization using Import Replica Schema (Data Management)

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I want to synchronize the schema of replica. The steps I am following is documented in ArcGIS Resources:

  1. Export the geodatabase_1 replica schema using Export Replica Schema (Data Management) tool.
  2. Compare the schema of geodatabase_1 and geodatabase_2 replica using Compare Replica Schema (Data Management)
  3. Import the compared schema (.xml) to geodatabase_2 replica using Import Replica Schema (Data Management)
Code sample to import is:

def import_schema(admin_sde, geodatabase_2, in_replica, schema): """import compared replica schema to geodatabase :param admin_sde: admin connection to disconnect users :param geodatabase_2: import schema to geodatabase :param in_replica: import schema for replica :param schema: schema xml """ try: replica_list = arcpy.da.ListReplicas(geodatabase_2) replica_user = (".")[0] for user in replica_list if".")[-1] == in_replica.split(".")[-1]).next() connected_users = [con_user for con_user in arcpy.ListUsers(admin_sde) if con_user.ClientName != socket.gethostname()]'Pausing user connection to geo-database: "{}"\n'.format(geodatabase_2)) arcpy.AcceptConnections(admin_sde, False)'Disconnecting users except for: "{}" and "SDE" from the geo-database: "{}"\n'.format(replica_user, geodatabase_2)) for user in connected_users: arcpy.DisconnectUser(admin_sde, user.ID)'Importing schema file to geo-database: "{0}" on replica: "{1}"\n'.format(geodatabase_2, in_replica)) result = arcpy.ImportReplicaSchema_management(geodatabase_2, schema) return result except Exception as error: log.error(error) finally:'Resuming geo-database: "{}"\n'.format(geodatabase_2)) arcpy.AcceptConnections(admin_sde, True) When I import the compared schema through python script, it adds the new fields to geodatabase_2 but do not delete the fields which are already been deleted in geodatabase_1. This leads to too many unwanted fields in the geodatabase_2 replica. While working on ArcMap (Distributed Geodatabase -> Import Schema Changes), it opens a Import Schema Changes Wizard where we can select the dropped fields and apply the schema changes to geodatabase_2. How to achieve this via python script? I want the same schema should reflect at geodatabase_2 replica after importing compared schema.
