Problem running the ArcGIS geoprocessing tool "Dissolve", yet it seems to work on a d

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Problem running the ArcGIS geoprocessing tool "Dissolve", yet it seems to work on a d

I'm trying to run the geoprocessing tool "Dissolve" on a single feature class in a File GDB, yet I'm getting the error 999999 "the operation was attempted on an empty geometry", but there are no empty geometries (they all have area greater then zero), and for some reason the same tool on the same GDB seems to work on a different computer.I've checked any possible differences in the ArcCatalog settings or in the Environment variables and couldn't find any.Also tried repairing the feature class's geometries, splitting multipolygons into single polygons, deleting relativly small features or features with a lot of vertices. Did not help...Anyone knows what may cause this problem?
