Problem in running r.slope.aspect in GRASS

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I am new to GRASS GIS, and have been trying to use the r.slope.aspect function to find out the slope, dx and dy rater map from an elevation map(512*512)[1]. But I am getting the following output:

||Rows: 64228 | | Columns: 39276 | | Total Cells: 2522618928 | | Range of data: min = -nan max = -nan

The problem being how is the dimension of the grid is expanding? and how are all the values nan.

The following statement is used:

r.sim.water -t elevin=testElevationLive@PERMANENT dxin=elev_dx@PERMANENT dyin=elev_dy@PERMANENT depth=waterDepth

Can someone kindly help me to figure out the problem behind?

