I am looking for a solution for this with no success using:
result = arcpy.mapping.ConvertWebMapToMapDocument(Web_Map_as_JSON, templateMxd)AND
arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, Output_File, georef_info=True) All my services are in WGS84 web mercator. My only successful export was in arcmap with all data in WGS84 and dataframe in UTM, weird.
result = arcpy.mapping.ConvertWebMapToMapDocument(Web_Map_as_JSON, templateMxd)AND
arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, Output_File, georef_info=True) All my services are in WGS84 web mercator. My only successful export was in arcmap with all data in WGS84 and dataframe in UTM, weird.