I am trying to do a study on land use change using three high-res images of an area from three sources (Quickbird, GeoEye-1, WV-3). I have managed to calibrate the Quickbird data using QGIS raster calculator but reflectance values for GeoEye-1 are all negative. Now, I am trying to do it using the iatcorr function in Grass but there is no predefined value for Geo-Eye sensor bands. Can someone help me move past this stage with my GeoEye-1 imagery? How do I calibrate it given these drawbacks (i.e. negative reflectance values in QGIS raster calculator, no predefined value for sensor bands in Grass iatcorr)? My options are limited to open software..
I would really be thankful if someone provide a clear answer to my question. Thank you!
I would really be thankful if someone provide a clear answer to my question. Thank you!