Plotting on MAPinfo given edge geometry in a row

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طاقم الإدارة
I have a file of road geometry of the Washington State downloaded from GIS cup 2012. Each row in the file is of the type, "5,service,15.9316766209136,47.2981713,-122.2481928,47.2981800,-122.2482596,47.2981866,-122.2483008,47.2981947,-122.2483457,47.2981996,-122.2483712,47.2982065,-122.2483972" which is basically road id, road type, length in meters and then latitude and longitude of each point on the road edge.

Would be grateful to know how to plot this in MapInfo and if opening in excel how do I separate each line segment of the above polyline . Example to :

Row 1: 5,service,15.9316766209136,47.2981713,-122.2481928,47.2981800,-122.2482596Row 2: 5,service,15.9316766209136,47.2981800,-122.2482596,47.2981866,-122.2483008Row 3: 5,service,15.9316766209136,47.2981866,-122.2483008,47.2981947,-122.2483457Row 4: 5,service,15.9316766209136,47.2981947,-122.2483457,47.2981996,-122.2483712Row 5: 5,service,15.9316766209136,47.2981996,-122.2483712,47.2982065,-122.2483972

Many Thanks
