Please Help; Trouble Converting from a shp. to gpx file and up loading to GPS

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Currently I have a series of random points with in a Shape file that I would like to upload to my GPS. Every time I try to upload the points via "Save file" it come up with an error message (posted below).
I have tried turning Force_gpx_Track =Yes and it still does not work. I have also tried unclicking the skip attribute creation and nothing works. It worked one and then come up with a select file class with waypoints, lines, and tracks so I clicked on waypoints and it ran the file. Once I try to add the file to my gps (Garman GPSmap64) using GPS tools it only comes up with tracks under Upload to Gps any help would be great because it have reached a road block and need to have this inventory done.

(Error Message)Export to vector file failed.Error: creation of data source failed (OGR error:Failed to create GPX file Inventory_Points .gpx.
