I am experiencing an issue with the model only tool calculate value. I am attempting to use the parse path and calculate value model only tools to force a feature dataset into the create topology tool.
When running this model on a path with no numbers in it, it runs fine.
I also tried using the the calculate value tool again to replace the truncated characters with the correct ones, and still it breaks the model.
There is some issue with calculate value not accepting numbers in path names.
Can anyone help with this issue?
- The first parse path tool is taking the path
- The second parse path tool is taking the file (Feature dataset)
- The calculate value tool is combining the two strings and changing the data type to feature dataset using this expression ("%Path%"+"\%File%") (which will connect to the create topology tool)
When running this model on a path with no numbers in it, it runs fine.
I also tried using the the calculate value tool again to replace the truncated characters with the correct ones, and still it breaks the model.
There is some issue with calculate value not accepting numbers in path names.
Can anyone help with this issue?
