I have an application that is using OpenLayers 2.13.1. It is utilizing a bing basemap and overlaying WMS layers. I am using a FramedCloud popup. I would like the popup to appear where the user clicked and sometimes it does. Sometimes it appears randomly to the east or west of where the user clicked. Here is a snipit of code:
this.click_radons = function(layerName) { if (layerName == "State Boundaries") { return null; } var map = innovateMapObj.map, layer = null, serviceURL = null, layers = map.layers.slice(), content = "", desc = null, img = null, priority = null; //because we don't want to query base layer for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (!(layers.isBaseLayer)) { layer = layers; serviceURL = layers.url; break; } } OpenLayers.ProxyHost = innovate.proxyURL; return new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({ layers: [layer], url: serviceURL, title: 'Identify features by clicking', queryVisible: true, eventListeners: { getfeatureinfo: function(event) { var thisObject = new innovate.Controls(innovateMapObj) obj = thisObject.makeObjectOutOfResponse(event.text); var boxSize = null; var mapID = innovateMapObj.config.id; //hide any open popup on click if (innovate.popupbox[mapID]) { map.removePopup(innovate.popupbox[mapID]); innovate.popupbox[mapID].destroy(); //$("#innovate_info_popup_" + mapID).hide(); } if ($.isEmptyObject(obj) || obj === false) { return; } innovate.lastPopupCenter[mapID] = map.getCenter(); if (obj['radonzone'] == 1) { desc = "Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) (red zones)"; priority = "Highest Potential"; img = "3b6a386668a6d07b8d8e029744820282"; } else if (obj['radonzone'] == 2) { desc = "Zone 2 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (orange zones)"; priority = "Moderate Potential"; img = "52edb92fef3b3447d910ea3f4e3bad06"; } else if (obj['radonzone'] == 3) { desc = "Zone 3 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level less than 2 pCi/L (yellow zones)"; priority = "Low Potential"; img = "d1573b09a0505bef245b2a380a18e380"; } var stateName = obj['statename'], initCapedStateName = ""; stateName = stateName.split(" "); for (var keys in stateName) { initCapedStateName += stateName[keys].substr(0, 1) + stateName[keys].substr(1).toLowerCase() + " "; } var imgURL = innovate.mapServiceBaseURL["legend"] + innovateMapObj.config.legend["url"] + "/../0/images/" + img; content = "" + obj['namelsad'] + ", " + initCapedStateName + "
" + "Radon risk zone: " + obj['radonzone'] + "
" + "<img alt=\"\" src=\"" + imgURL + "\">
" + "" + desc + "" + "" + priority + ""; innovate.popupbox[mapID] = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud( "innovate_info_popup_" + mapID, map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(event.xy), boxSize, content, null, true, function() { this.div.style.display = 'none'; map.panTo(innovate.lastPopupCenter[mapID]); map.removePopup(innovate.popupbox[mapID]); } ); map.addPopup(innovate.popupbox[mapID]); } } });}The problem is that sometime the popup appears east or west of where the user clicked on the map. This happens very inconsistently. I haven't been able to make the error occurr consistently. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The following code is from the Innovate class:
var innovate = {popupbox: {},curMapPos: 0,curMapID: 0,openedMap: {}//collection of all innovate.Map objects,opacitySelectors: {},legendOpen: false,baseFolder: "",lastPopupCenter: {},fullScreenOn: false,proxyURL: "proxy.jsp?",buildMap: function(v_mapID) { var obj = new innovate.Map(v_mapID); obj.buildMap(); this.openedMap[v_mapID] = obj;},/* * Defined the base URL for maps and legends so when they change, I don't have to serach and change in all files */mapServiceBaseURL: { "map": "Put base URL here", "legend": "Put base URL here"},getUserConfigForMap: function(mapId) { for (i = 0; i < innovate_config.maps.length; i++) { if (innovate_config.maps['id'] == mapId) { return innovate_config.maps; } } return null;}}Below is code called for one map from the getUserConfigForMap
{ 'id':8//must match param id ,'header':'Map' ,'startResolution':2//gets the resolution from serverResolutions using the startResolution as index ,'endResolution':9//number of zoom levels you want, 21 is max and must be greater than startResolution ,'projection' : 'EPSG:3857' ,'maxExtent' : [-19951913.2278,-1643352.8198,20021888.1032,11554793.571] //,'zoomToExtent' : [-14617039.6948417,2697596.8976282,-6500380.5111317,6713979.93039427] ,'center' : [-120,38] ,'defaultZoomLevel' : 3 ,'footNote':'This is a test footer note for this exhibit' ,'dataSource':'Data Source' ,'legend':{ "url":'Url without base url' } , 'baseMap': ['arcGisCanvasWorldLightGrayBase'] ,'layers':['wms_layer','wms_stateboundariesThick'] ,'controls':['Navigation','LayerSwitcher','click_radons','InnovateMapFullScreen','ScaleLine','Attribution','InnovateMapLegend'] ,'hide_controls':['Navigation','PanZoomBar']}
this.click_radons = function(layerName) { if (layerName == "State Boundaries") { return null; } var map = innovateMapObj.map, layer = null, serviceURL = null, layers = map.layers.slice(), content = "", desc = null, img = null, priority = null; //because we don't want to query base layer for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (!(layers.isBaseLayer)) { layer = layers; serviceURL = layers.url; break; } } OpenLayers.ProxyHost = innovate.proxyURL; return new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({ layers: [layer], url: serviceURL, title: 'Identify features by clicking', queryVisible: true, eventListeners: { getfeatureinfo: function(event) { var thisObject = new innovate.Controls(innovateMapObj) obj = thisObject.makeObjectOutOfResponse(event.text); var boxSize = null; var mapID = innovateMapObj.config.id; //hide any open popup on click if (innovate.popupbox[mapID]) { map.removePopup(innovate.popupbox[mapID]); innovate.popupbox[mapID].destroy(); //$("#innovate_info_popup_" + mapID).hide(); } if ($.isEmptyObject(obj) || obj === false) { return; } innovate.lastPopupCenter[mapID] = map.getCenter(); if (obj['radonzone'] == 1) { desc = "Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) (red zones)"; priority = "Highest Potential"; img = "3b6a386668a6d07b8d8e029744820282"; } else if (obj['radonzone'] == 2) { desc = "Zone 2 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (orange zones)"; priority = "Moderate Potential"; img = "52edb92fef3b3447d910ea3f4e3bad06"; } else if (obj['radonzone'] == 3) { desc = "Zone 3 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level less than 2 pCi/L (yellow zones)"; priority = "Low Potential"; img = "d1573b09a0505bef245b2a380a18e380"; } var stateName = obj['statename'], initCapedStateName = ""; stateName = stateName.split(" "); for (var keys in stateName) { initCapedStateName += stateName[keys].substr(0, 1) + stateName[keys].substr(1).toLowerCase() + " "; } var imgURL = innovate.mapServiceBaseURL["legend"] + innovateMapObj.config.legend["url"] + "/../0/images/" + img; content = "" + obj['namelsad'] + ", " + initCapedStateName + "
" + "Radon risk zone: " + obj['radonzone'] + "
" + "<img alt=\"\" src=\"" + imgURL + "\">
" + "" + desc + "" + "" + priority + ""; innovate.popupbox[mapID] = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud( "innovate_info_popup_" + mapID, map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(event.xy), boxSize, content, null, true, function() { this.div.style.display = 'none'; map.panTo(innovate.lastPopupCenter[mapID]); map.removePopup(innovate.popupbox[mapID]); } ); map.addPopup(innovate.popupbox[mapID]); } } });}The problem is that sometime the popup appears east or west of where the user clicked on the map. This happens very inconsistently. I haven't been able to make the error occurr consistently. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The following code is from the Innovate class:
var innovate = {popupbox: {},curMapPos: 0,curMapID: 0,openedMap: {}//collection of all innovate.Map objects,opacitySelectors: {},legendOpen: false,baseFolder: "",lastPopupCenter: {},fullScreenOn: false,proxyURL: "proxy.jsp?",buildMap: function(v_mapID) { var obj = new innovate.Map(v_mapID); obj.buildMap(); this.openedMap[v_mapID] = obj;},/* * Defined the base URL for maps and legends so when they change, I don't have to serach and change in all files */mapServiceBaseURL: { "map": "Put base URL here", "legend": "Put base URL here"},getUserConfigForMap: function(mapId) { for (i = 0; i < innovate_config.maps.length; i++) { if (innovate_config.maps['id'] == mapId) { return innovate_config.maps; } } return null;}}Below is code called for one map from the getUserConfigForMap
{ 'id':8//must match param id ,'header':'Map' ,'startResolution':2//gets the resolution from serverResolutions using the startResolution as index ,'endResolution':9//number of zoom levels you want, 21 is max and must be greater than startResolution ,'projection' : 'EPSG:3857' ,'maxExtent' : [-19951913.2278,-1643352.8198,20021888.1032,11554793.571] //,'zoomToExtent' : [-14617039.6948417,2697596.8976282,-6500380.5111317,6713979.93039427] ,'center' : [-120,38] ,'defaultZoomLevel' : 3 ,'footNote':'This is a test footer note for this exhibit' ,'dataSource':'Data Source' ,'legend':{ "url":'Url without base url' } , 'baseMap': ['arcGisCanvasWorldLightGrayBase'] ,'layers':['wms_layer','wms_stateboundariesThick'] ,'controls':['Navigation','LayerSwitcher','click_radons','InnovateMapFullScreen','ScaleLine','Attribution','InnovateMapLegend'] ,'hide_controls':['Navigation','PanZoomBar']}