Opengeo suite 4.6, gxp template, problem in adding print tool

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I have checked this question here but it one of the link is missing and it was on suite 3.0 and i have no idea if it will work on suite 4.6.I have installed the print extension in opengeosuite then checked the default link "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/pdf/info.json?var=printCapabilities" print capabilities its working here is my code for app.js

/** * Add all your dependencies here. * @require plugins/Print.js * @require GeoExt.ux/PrintPreview.js * @require GeoExt/plugins/PrintProviderField.js * @require GeoExt/plugins/PrintPageField.js * @require OpenLayers/Control/ScaleLine.js * @require widgets/Viewer.js * @require plugins/LayerTree.js * @require plugins/OLSource.js * @require plugins/OSMSource.js * @require plugins/WMSCSource.js * @require plugins/ZoomToExtent.js * @require plugins/NavigationHistory.js * @require plugins/Zoom.js * @require plugins/AddLayers.js * @require plugins/RemoveLayer.js * @require RowExpander.js * @require GeoExt/widgets/PrintMapPanel.js*/added ptype in tools section of the app.js

{ ptype: "gxp_print", customParams: {outputFilename: 'GeoExplorer-print'}, printService: "/geoserver/pdf/", actionTarget: "map.tbar", showButtonText: true}added the css, GeoExt.ux.Have a look at the screen shot of error

If there some tutorial for it let me know.
