opengeo lidar example/ unable to use pdal

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there is an example online for generate 3d buildings from vector (2d building) and lidar data. while ago I already went trough on the tutorial 2 times and generated 3d buildings from New York and San Francisco (I could use some free lidar data). Now I just got some UK lidar data for free so I thought I will generate the buildings again. I started absolutely from the beginning (just like before), I have an ubuntu 12.04 vps, and I installed everything without any problem (thanks for the step by step tutorial), but when I try to get some information about my lidar data (pdal command):

root@vps81109790:~# pdal info --input 20090429_42122c8225_ld_p23.laz --schemaI got this error:

pdal: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryIs there anybody who can tell me what is this mean, and how can I fix it?
