Opendata Added to ArcREST

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I am very proud to say that the open data REST has been added to ArcREST. OpenData sites hosted on allow groups to share authoritative information to users with just a few clicks on their site. Here is a simple usage example:

import arcrest
url = ""
opendata = arcrest.opendata.OpenData(url=url)
#Search by Query
searchResults ="parcels")
print (searchResults)

The other big thing that you can do with the open data API is export information:

import arcrest
url = ""
itemId = "f59603825818413f87d9d819c3acff88_0"
opendata = arcrest.opendata.OpenData(url=url)
item = opendata.getDataset(itemId=itemId)
print (item.export(outFormat="kml", outFolder=r"c:\temp4"))
#supports: 'shp', 'kml', 'csv', and 'geojson' in the outFormat parameter.

Hope you enjoy searching and exporting the Open Data site!

ArcREST can be found here.
ArcREST Issues should be logged here.

Copyright AJC
