On the supplying of corrections

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I'm currently in the finishing stages of a map-updating process for a customer-who-shall-remain-nameless and it's not going as smoothly as I planned. This is partly due to the way they are supplying the corrections that I need to do.

So I'm hoping to come up with a number of guidelines, suggestions, or "best practices" that I can send off to clients (probably not the ones from this project as we've passed that stage already, but others in the future) to avoid running into this same problem over and over again. For this, I need some input from you guys and gals. And if we get a good set of these guidelines together, maybe NACIS can promote them or something...

To kick things off, here's my list, in random order:

  1. Don't send me new datasets if in reality just a small number of features needs to be changed, please check with me first. For example, doing an updated version of a city street map with say 100 schools. If 10 of them need to be edited but you send me a new dataset I need to doublecheck all 100 of them to make sure they don't interfere with labels or other map features.
  2. If you do send me new datasets (i.e. after I've said "yes, go ahead"), do make sure they're up to date. If you send me 100 new schools in correction round 1 and I need to edit 10 of those in correction round 2, I'm going to charge you for it.
  3. I understand there might be multiple stakeholders on the client's side who have to have their input on the map. That's fine, but please assign a single contact person on the client's side to deal with. This person would compile all the input from the stakeholders (ideally iron out any inconsistencies in it) and send that off to the cartographer.
  4. Please note that coming up with small changes after the correction cycle has been finished might put a big strain on the cartographer. It's in everybody's best interest that as much of the corrections as possible gets supplied in a big batch (and if so, in a consistent manner)
  5. Ideally I would like to get a pdf, or a print, of the proof map (or, in case of an update, the previous map) with the corrections indicated. Either digitally in case of a PDF or handwritten on the print (and then either scan it or give me the hardcopy). If you do write by hand please write legible and please don't write upside down or on weird angles.
(yes, parts of this may have been born out of slight frustration...)

I'd be very interested to hear your input on this, or maybe somebody already has such a list.
