I try to import a shapefile to MSSQL server. The connection to the server is fine, but it seems that ogr2ogr cannot process the SRS definition.
command: ogr2ogr -f "MSSQLSpatial" "MSSQL:server=localhost,21944;database=mbosa;trusted_connection=yes;" "IRSZAM.shp" -a_srs "ESPG:4326" -lco "GEOM_TYPE=geography" -lco "GEOM_NAME=geog4326" -nln "irszam_geog" -progress
Failed to process SRS definition: ESPG:4326
The gcs.csv file in the C:\OSGeo4W\share\epsg_csv directory contains a line 4326,WGS 84,6326,World Geodetic System 1984.... The GDAL_DATA environment variable is set to C:\OSGeo4W\share\epsg_csv. thanks for any help, I.Vassanyi
command: ogr2ogr -f "MSSQLSpatial" "MSSQL:server=localhost,21944;database=mbosa;trusted_connection=yes;" "IRSZAM.shp" -a_srs "ESPG:4326" -lco "GEOM_TYPE=geography" -lco "GEOM_NAME=geog4326" -nln "irszam_geog" -progress
Failed to process SRS definition: ESPG:4326
The gcs.csv file in the C:\OSGeo4W\share\epsg_csv directory contains a line 4326,WGS 84,6326,World Geodetic System 1984.... The GDAL_DATA environment variable is set to C:\OSGeo4W\share\epsg_csv. thanks for any help, I.Vassanyi