ogr2ogr failing to open/convert GML

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I'm trying to convert a GML file into GeoJSON using ogr2ogr, I've compiled GDAL, Expat and Xerces from source, but when I run my command I get an error.

My convert command

./ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" /var/OS_MasterMap_303514_398119.geojson /var/OS_MasterMap_303514_398119.gmlMy configure options

Expat 2.1.0

./configure --prefix=/opt/expat/Xerces-c-3.1.2

./configure --prefix=/opt/xerces/GDAL 1.11.2

./configure --prefix=/opt/gdal/ --with-expat=/opt/expat/lib/ --with-xerces=/opt/xerces/lib/My Error

ERROR 1: Unable to create Xerces C++ or Expat based GML reader, Xerces or Expat supportnot configured into GDAL/OGR.ERROR 1: File /var/OS_MasterMap_303514_398119.gml appears to be GML but the GML reader can'tbe instantiated, likely because Xerces or Expat support wasn'tconfigured in.FAILURE:Unable to open datasource `/var/OS_MasterMap_303514_398119.gml' with the following drivers. -> ESRI Shapefile -> MapInfo File -> UK .NTF -> SDTS -> TIGER -> S57 -> DGN -> VRT -> REC -> Memory -> BNA -> CSV -> GML -> GPX -> KML -> GeoJSON -> GMT -> WAsP -> PCIDSK -> OpenFileGDB -> XPlane -> AVCBin -> AVCE00 -> DXF -> Geoconcept -> GeoRSS -> GPSTrackMaker -> PGDump -> GPSBabel -> SUA -> OpenAir -> PDS -> HTF -> AeronavFAA -> EDIGEO -> SVG -> Idrisi -> ARCGEN -> SEGUKOOA -> SEGY -> PDF -> SXF
