MS Access and geocoding in ArcGIS

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
We are a small non-profit. We use a fairly complex MS Access application to track everything.

We would very much like to geocode addresses in our application and display the results on a map. In other words, we would like to input an address and have it display on a map. We would need to use the GIS data provided by our municipality. They use ArcGIS and the MXD files contain a fair amount of ancillary data for each point.

We have access to ArcGIS 9.x. But I am unable to get the map control working in our Access application, and apparently Esri is eliminating that control anyway. I tried the following already:

  • Google Maps static API. Works pretty well, but I have no way of geocoding against the local municipal data.
  • MapWinGIS makes great maps based on ArcGIS file, but I have no way to geocode against the local data, as far as I can tell.
  • Export MXD to KML. Works OK, but no labels/other ancillary data.
  • Export points in ArcGIS and import to Access table. Sloppy, doesn't bode well for future updates to the GIS data provided by the municipality, and have no way of dealing with intersections.
I would be willing to import the ArcGIS data into a different GIS product, if it would help (we could presumably just import new versions of the data in the same way.)
