MRA Mapping Hangout #5 - Snap2Map

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This month we had some audio issues with our Google Hangout, but I did go back and record my Snap2Map Demonstration embedded below.

Snap2Map is a really simple way to make a map with interactive geo-tagged photos. This can be used for a wide variety of applications. For SAR the use-case we are exploring with the YSAR Tauranga is using the Map Tour to create SAR PrePlans. A Map Tour could include photos and videos to highlight:
  • Hazards in an area
  • Landing zones for helicopters
  • Missing "decision points" on a trail
  • Any intelligence that you would like to capture with a map and photo!

Here is the free Snap2Map Tutorial by Jennifer Lentz if you would like to get started. It walks you through the following steps.
  1. setting up and logging into an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) account
  2. downloading Esri's free Snap2Map app (available for free on Android and Apple-based smart devices)
  3. downloading a GPS tracking app (optional)
  4. Connecting your Snap2Map app to your organization's AGOL account
  5. Selecting the geo-tagged photos you'd like included in your story map, and publishing them to the story map through the Snap2Map app
  6. Editing your story map on a computer, including changing the basemap, color scheme, etc.
  7. saving the story map
  8. editing the information provided in the "details" page of the Web Map, including change the thumbnail image, and sharing preferences
  9. adding tracking data to your story map (optional)
  10. viewing the finished Story Map

Thank you to YSAR Tauranga for the inspiration - I look forward to seeing your end product and seeing if any Mountain Rescue Association Teams pick this up and try it out.
