I'm using Opengeo Suite 4.1.1 with built in Mongodb data store plugin on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Windows 8.0. Geoserver 2.5 snapshot and Mongodb 2.6 versions are used here.
I was about to try Mapping #WorldCup with OpenGeo Suite and MongoDB by using my own spatial data, but when I create new data store there was an error message as its shown below. I also don't set any user or password on Mongodb before.
I can't figure out what is the problem and how to solve it.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
I was about to try Mapping #WorldCup with OpenGeo Suite and MongoDB by using my own spatial data, but when I create new data store there was an error message as its shown below. I also don't set any user or password on Mongodb before.
I can't figure out what is the problem and how to solve it.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.