I have a lot of custom svg files made in Inkspace. I need to be able to change their fill color / stroke color / stroke width using QGIS.
I have found a similar topic, however the solution mentioned there does not seem to work for me.
I have found a similar topic, however the solution mentioned there does not seem to work for me.
If you are using InkScape, after writing the new SVG file, edit the file and replace the entire line beggining with style:
style="fill:#00a000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;(...)" with the following line:
fill="param(fill) #FFF" stroke="param(outline) #000" stroke-width="param(outline-width) 1"
Bellow is link do download my svg icon. Any help would be really welcome.http://files.uloziste.com/d4444cd8f807e214/style="fill:#00a000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;(...)" with the following line:
fill="param(fill) #FFF" stroke="param(outline) #000" stroke-width="param(outline-width) 1"