Models from Teaching CSS Fall 2019

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Avid readers of this blog (if there are any) may be familiar with my routine of combing end of semester projects into a short movie and blogging about it. Well its that time again. Last semester I gave a class entitled Introduction to Computational Social Science and instead of setting a final exam, I ask the students to carryout an end of semester research project. The aim of this exercise is to cement what the students have (hopefully) learnt during the semester. I.e.:
  • to understand the motivation for the use of computational models in social science theory and research;​
  • to learn about the variety of CSS research programs across the social science disciplines;​
  • to understand the distinct contribution that CSS can make by providing specific insights about society, social phenomena at multiple scales, and the nature of social complexity.​
Below you can see some of the outputs from these projects this last fall. These models ranged in type from agent-based models, microsimulation to system dynamics models applied to a variety of topics from how machine learning can be utilized within agent-based models to applications such as the courts, common pool resources, public goods, economic growth, supply chains, heath care issues (e.g. patient diagnosis, fungi infections within hospitals), team performance, labor markets, voting, and several other topics along the way.​
