I'm trying to merge my DEM files into 2 separate files, one will have 4 files and the other will have 3. I've been reading every post from when someone asked this before for over an hour and I'm still having problems. Here's a look at what I'm trying to do:
I'm having problems using the DEM to raster tool in ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop (I keep on getting a 999999 error and haven't been able to locate anything that I'm doing wrong) I'm trying to do that and then use mosaic to new raster (something I found in a previous discussion). Any suggestions or a basic step by step on something better to do would be nice.

I'm having problems using the DEM to raster tool in ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop (I keep on getting a 999999 error and haven't been able to locate anything that I'm doing wrong) I'm trying to do that and then use mosaic to new raster (something I found in a previous discussion). Any suggestions or a basic step by step on something better to do would be nice.