Measure my Cats movements , Accuracy of Mobile phone GPS at metre scale . how to impr

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I wanted to get some information related to an idea I have I have a lot of cats and a big garden.

The cats generally roam through the garden and this location is fixed and Known

If i have known area , in this case my garden , does this make getting location information GPS , more accurate

Can i track my Cats accurately if i hook them up to a mobile phone.(Picture 1)

I have found the thread here about GPS accuracy What is the maximum Theoretical accuracy of GPS?

How accurate will this be , to 2 metres is this relatisic with mobile GPS

If i had more than one cat with a mobile , Could these devices talk to one another to give an more accurate picture ( picture 2 )

If i was able to put some fixed mobile reciever points in Could be combined with cats mobiles to give more accurate read out ( picture 3)

The outputs of what i like to be able to Capture

xy information per second for my Cat

How accurate would this be . Could this be done , by only using mobile phones. Are there better options

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
