How can I prevent features being clipped at tile boundaries in an WMS layer as per the picture
The arrow and line segments are being clipped when viewed in openlayers as a WMS layer. The map file is as follows:-
MAP NAME "WMSROUTETEST" CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/conf/mapfiles" FONTSET "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/conf/resources/fonts/fonts.list" SIZE 400 300 EXTENT 517531.000000071 139263.350999558 566460.000000404 185808.999999165 STATUS ON UNITS METERS #RESOLUTION 72 SIZE 580 400 MAXSIZE 8192 IMAGETYPE png OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png DRIVER AGG/PNG IMAGEMODE RGB MIMETYPE "image/png" EXTENSION "png" FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=on" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" FORMATOPTION "COMPRESSION=9" TRANSPARENT ON END PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END WEB METADATA WMS_TITLE "department Route" "wms_srs" "EPSG:27700" "wms_enable_request" "*" END IMAGEPATH "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/public/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END SYMBOL NAME "arrow" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0.4 1 0.4 1 0 2 0.8 1 1.6 1 1.2 0 1.2 0 0.4 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 1 0.5 END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "square" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 0 0.5 END # SYMBOL LAYER NAME "departmentrouteworkerline" GROUP "departmentrouteworker" METADATA WMS_TITLE "department Route" END TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE postgis #EXTENT -6 50 6 60 CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=company user=postgres password=GOAWAYNASTYHACKERS" STATUS OFF #Must validate an item if to be used in query VALIDATION 'worker' '^[0-9]+$' DATA "wkb_geometry from (SELECT work_item_sequence as seq, count(work_item_sequence), (st_collect(route_line)) as wkb_geometry FROM ng_department.worker_%worker%_route_table GROUP by work_item_sequence ORDER by work_item_sequence ASC ) AS FOO using unique seq using srid=27700" EXTENT 517531.000000071 139263.350999558 566460.000000404 185808.999999165 LABELITEM 'seq' #This prevents labesl being repeated across tiles PROCESSING 'LABEL_NO_CLIP=True' PROCESSING 'POLYLINE_NO_CLIP=True' OPACITY 80 CLASS #Route Line Style STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true WIDTH 8 LINECAP round END STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 ANTIALIAS true WIDTH 3 LINECAP round PATTERN 40 10 END END #Route arrows STYLE #GEOMTRANSFORM "start" GAP -300.0 COLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "arrow" SIZE 18.0 ANGLE AUTO END # STYLE END END END Additionally I have some symbols like the one below that do not sit perfectly on the line, can these be nudged in some way?
The arrow and line segments are being clipped when viewed in openlayers as a WMS layer. The map file is as follows:-
MAP NAME "WMSROUTETEST" CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/conf/mapfiles" FONTSET "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/conf/resources/fonts/fonts.list" SIZE 400 300 EXTENT 517531.000000071 139263.350999558 566460.000000404 185808.999999165 STATUS ON UNITS METERS #RESOLUTION 72 SIZE 580 400 MAXSIZE 8192 IMAGETYPE png OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png DRIVER AGG/PNG IMAGEMODE RGB MIMETYPE "image/png" EXTENSION "png" FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=on" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" FORMATOPTION "COMPRESSION=9" TRANSPARENT ON END PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END WEB METADATA WMS_TITLE "department Route" "wms_srs" "EPSG:27700" "wms_enable_request" "*" END IMAGEPATH "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/public/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END SYMBOL NAME "arrow" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0.4 1 0.4 1 0 2 0.8 1 1.6 1 1.2 0 1.2 0 0.4 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 1 0.5 END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "square" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 0 0.5 END # SYMBOL LAYER NAME "departmentrouteworkerline" GROUP "departmentrouteworker" METADATA WMS_TITLE "department Route" END TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE postgis #EXTENT -6 50 6 60 CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=company user=postgres password=GOAWAYNASTYHACKERS" STATUS OFF #Must validate an item if to be used in query VALIDATION 'worker' '^[0-9]+$' DATA "wkb_geometry from (SELECT work_item_sequence as seq, count(work_item_sequence), (st_collect(route_line)) as wkb_geometry FROM ng_department.worker_%worker%_route_table GROUP by work_item_sequence ORDER by work_item_sequence ASC ) AS FOO using unique seq using srid=27700" EXTENT 517531.000000071 139263.350999558 566460.000000404 185808.999999165 LABELITEM 'seq' #This prevents labesl being repeated across tiles PROCESSING 'LABEL_NO_CLIP=True' PROCESSING 'POLYLINE_NO_CLIP=True' OPACITY 80 CLASS #Route Line Style STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true WIDTH 8 LINECAP round END STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 ANTIALIAS true WIDTH 3 LINECAP round PATTERN 40 10 END END #Route arrows STYLE #GEOMTRANSFORM "start" GAP -300.0 COLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "arrow" SIZE 18.0 ANGLE AUTO END # STYLE END END END Additionally I have some symbols like the one below that do not sit perfectly on the line, can these be nudged in some way?