Mapserver WMS, features clipped and positioned

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How can I prevent features being clipped at tile boundaries in an WMS layer as per the picture

The arrow and line segments are being clipped when viewed in openlayers as a WMS layer. The map file is as follows:-

MAP NAME "WMSROUTETEST" CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/conf/mapfiles" FONTSET "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/conf/resources/fonts/fonts.list" SIZE 400 300 EXTENT 517531.000000071 139263.350999558 566460.000000404 185808.999999165 STATUS ON UNITS METERS #RESOLUTION 72 SIZE 580 400 MAXSIZE 8192 IMAGETYPE png OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png DRIVER AGG/PNG IMAGEMODE RGB MIMETYPE "image/png" EXTENSION "png" FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=on" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_COLORS=256" FORMATOPTION "COMPRESSION=9" TRANSPARENT ON END PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END WEB METADATA WMS_TITLE "department Route" "wms_srs" "EPSG:27700" "wms_enable_request" "*" END IMAGEPATH "/opt/company/servers/halo/company-global/site/web/public/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END SYMBOL NAME "arrow" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0.4 1 0.4 1 0 2 0.8 1 1.6 1 1.2 0 1.2 0 0.4 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 1 0.5 END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "square" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 0 0.5 END # SYMBOL LAYER NAME "departmentrouteworkerline" GROUP "departmentrouteworker" METADATA WMS_TITLE "department Route" END TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE postgis #EXTENT -6 50 6 60 CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=company user=postgres password=GOAWAYNASTYHACKERS" STATUS OFF #Must validate an item if to be used in query VALIDATION 'worker' '^[0-9]+$' DATA "wkb_geometry from (SELECT work_item_sequence as seq, count(work_item_sequence), (st_collect(route_line)) as wkb_geometry FROM ng_department.worker_%worker%_route_table GROUP by work_item_sequence ORDER by work_item_sequence ASC ) AS FOO using unique seq using srid=27700" EXTENT 517531.000000071 139263.350999558 566460.000000404 185808.999999165 LABELITEM 'seq' #This prevents labesl being repeated across tiles PROCESSING 'LABEL_NO_CLIP=True' PROCESSING 'POLYLINE_NO_CLIP=True' OPACITY 80 CLASS #Route Line Style STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true WIDTH 8 LINECAP round END STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 ANTIALIAS true WIDTH 3 LINECAP round PATTERN 40 10 END END #Route arrows STYLE #GEOMTRANSFORM "start" GAP -300.0 COLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "arrow" SIZE 18.0 ANGLE AUTO END # STYLE END END END Additionally I have some symbols like the one below that do not sit perfectly on the line, can these be nudged in some way?
