This map is not using OpenLayers, just MapServer with a mapfile.
There is a layer that displays both the point and the label.
Looking through the documentation, I'm not entirely sure what the best way is.
Edit: Ideally (not even sure if this is possible), I would like to disable the label for the first two zoom levels but display the associated point. Is this even possible if they are tied together as one layer?
Edit2: Looks like LABELMAXSCALEDENOM is what I'm looking for, but how to configure correctly? I know it's
LABELMAXSCALEDENOM integerbut how do you exactly know the scale of your map?
MAP SIZE 128 768 EXTENT -180 -90 180 90I tried LABELMAXSCALEDENOM equal to some different integers. Didn't notice any difference: the labels were just gone completely, no matter what the zoom.
Any input is appreciated.
There is a layer that displays both the point and the label.
Looking through the documentation, I'm not entirely sure what the best way is.
Edit: Ideally (not even sure if this is possible), I would like to disable the label for the first two zoom levels but display the associated point. Is this even possible if they are tied together as one layer?
Edit2: Looks like LABELMAXSCALEDENOM is what I'm looking for, but how to configure correctly? I know it's
LABELMAXSCALEDENOM integerbut how do you exactly know the scale of your map?
MAP SIZE 128 768 EXTENT -180 -90 180 90I tried LABELMAXSCALEDENOM equal to some different integers. Didn't notice any difference: the labels were just gone completely, no matter what the zoom.
Any input is appreciated.