Mapnik not generating tiles for tilecatche

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imported data by using Osm2pgsql, to get rid off all problems related to data conversion, i stored this as latlong (-l parameter).I created stylesheet, and i tested with python script and it was working (so both data and stylesheet should be fine).Here comes problem..., when i tried to use it with open layers, i got my basic layer covered by pinkish "image not found" tile, but when i try to access tile by calling cgi script "http://localhost/tc/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/osm/5/31/26.png" i have nicely generated tile

is any one have idea what i'm doing wrong? files:


roadStyle (select way,highway from planet_osm_line where highway in ('motorway','motorway_link','trunk','trunk_link','primary','primary_link','secondary','secondary_link','tertiary','tertiary_link','residential','unclassified') order by z_order) as roads postgis www-data gis gis true tilecatche.cfg

[cache]type=Diskbase=/tmp/tilecache[osm]type=Mapnikmapfile=/var/www/tc/osm/osm.xmlextension=png[basic]type=WMSurl= of my layers

var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { numZoomLevels: 12, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326") });var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "VMap0", "tilecache.cgi?", {layers: 'basic', format: 'image/png' } );var tms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "osm","tilecache/tilecache.cgi?", { layers:'osm', format: 'image/png'},{ isBaseLayer: false} );
