Some of the output produced by our team - primarily on updates for 'legacy' projects - is styled with diagonal line fills (an example appears below).
In mapnik, this can be achieved using
The exact same effect is possible "image-free" using background-image in CSS3, styled with appropriate gradients.
My preference is for the latter.
My searches indicate that this is un-possible in mapnik: it appears that mapnik's PolygonSymbolizer has parameters (fill, fill-opacity, gamma); PolygonPatternSymbolizer takes (file).
I do notice that PolygonSymbolizer.fill 'accepts expressions', as does PolygonPatternSymbolizer.file - so the question is... can expressions be used to achieve the same effect as the image above?

In mapnik, this can be achieved using
The exact same effect is possible "image-free" using background-image in CSS3, styled with appropriate gradients.
My preference is for the latter.
My searches indicate that this is un-possible in mapnik: it appears that mapnik's PolygonSymbolizer has parameters (fill, fill-opacity, gamma); PolygonPatternSymbolizer takes (file).
I do notice that PolygonSymbolizer.fill 'accepts expressions', as does PolygonPatternSymbolizer.file - so the question is... can expressions be used to achieve the same effect as the image above?