I've been trying to understand how to keep the SIZEUNITS at 200 while the circles appropriately adjust based on zoom level.
Thought I had this working properly but turns out I did not.
You can see here that the circles start out quite small at the default zoom level when you load the OpenLayers map. As you zoom in, the circles aren't changing size. They should be as SIZEUNITS is set to 200. Of course, since you are zooming in, it seems like the circles are getting bigger on your screen, but they really are not.
When you get pretty zoomed in, what should happen is that the circles should be quite large (as we want to keep the radius of 100miles...set SIZEUNITS to 200 as this is the diameter). However, that is not the case as you can see here.
Is it necessary to use SYMBOLSCALEDENOM with SIZEUNITS to acheive what I want: keeping the 200mile diameter whilst the circles are changing size based on zoom? If so/if not, how do I go about this?
Link to mapfile layer here.
Thought I had this working properly but turns out I did not.
You can see here that the circles start out quite small at the default zoom level when you load the OpenLayers map. As you zoom in, the circles aren't changing size. They should be as SIZEUNITS is set to 200. Of course, since you are zooming in, it seems like the circles are getting bigger on your screen, but they really are not.
When you get pretty zoomed in, what should happen is that the circles should be quite large (as we want to keep the radius of 100miles...set SIZEUNITS to 200 as this is the diameter). However, that is not the case as you can see here.
Is it necessary to use SYMBOLSCALEDENOM with SIZEUNITS to acheive what I want: keeping the 200mile diameter whilst the circles are changing size based on zoom? If so/if not, how do I go about this?
Link to mapfile layer here.