We are trying to use proj4 to project a local coordinate system to EPSG4326. We believe we have most of the string created correctly in QGIS and as follows;
+proj=ortho +datum=WGS84 +lat_0=40.52741251 +lon_0=-117.12455304 +x_0=372979.646 +y_0=103881.838 +units=us-ft no_defs We are missing azimuth and scale. I believe we can use +k or _k_0 for scale but cannot determine how azimuth is defined. Are these incorporated into such a projection in proj4? We have also run the ESRI equivalent prj through GDAL srsinfo with the following output:
PROJ.4 : ERROR 6: No translation for LOCAL to PROJ.4 format is known. Local system params in ESRI.prj; Projection: Local Scale_Factor: 1.00024937 Azimuth: -0.31500000
+proj=ortho +datum=WGS84 +lat_0=40.52741251 +lon_0=-117.12455304 +x_0=372979.646 +y_0=103881.838 +units=us-ft no_defs We are missing azimuth and scale. I believe we can use +k or _k_0 for scale but cannot determine how azimuth is defined. Are these incorporated into such a projection in proj4? We have also run the ESRI equivalent prj through GDAL srsinfo with the following output:
PROJ.4 : ERROR 6: No translation for LOCAL to PROJ.4 format is known. Local system params in ESRI.prj; Projection: Local Scale_Factor: 1.00024937 Azimuth: -0.31500000