Linux Client for OpenGTS server

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I've installed an OpenGTS server and successfully linked it with the GPS2OpenGTS_Pro application for android.

The buses I'm tracking offer 3G with a wireless AP, however whenever the bus stops, the AP is shut down to save battery. The android device has trouble reconnecting all the time, so I've opted for a Raspberry Pi that can connect to the AP through ethernet.

I've got gpsd to read the NMEA output from a BU-353, but I'm stuck trying to figure out how to stream the GPRMC information to my OpenGTS server. I haven't been able to find an application that uploads GPRMC data, and couldn't find a tutorial for how to write a script to do the same (possible using "cat /dev/ttyUSB0" and filtering for just GRRMC lines?). Is there an easy way to do this in python or PHP?

Example HTTP POST: http://$GPRMC,020114,A,3128.7540,N,14257.6714,W,000.0,000.0,131113,,*7
