Line features disappear when a particular area of the map is drawn

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I've been creating line features in a polyline feature class and I just experienced a strange drawing error that I can't quite understand. A bit of setup: I have existing features in every direction of the area I was working in, and they had been drawing just fine. I've been copying new features into the feature class from another feature class, and haven't had any issues yet.

Here's the issue:

None of the features in the feature class are drawing whenever that particular extent of the map is in the display, regardless of scale. The features show up in the feature class, I was able to export my existing features to a new layer. When I pan to any other part of the map so that the afflicted area is not drawn, all of the features that should be there, are there.

Is there any reason features wouldn't draw when a particular region is needs to drawn on the map, but would draw just fine when that region does not need to be drawn?
