Please pardon my ignorance in advance, but is it possible to style a layer(polygon) using the plugin leaflet-omnivore? All of the examples I've encountered are using the MapBox API
I have the layer rendering default colors with the following line, omnivore.topojson('./data/bmw_parcels_4326.json').addTo(map);
Something like the Leaflet tutorial example as follows would be nice. I just can't figure out how to call the function:
function getColor(d) { return d > 1000 ? '#800026' : d > 500 ? '#BD0026' : d > 200 ? '#E31A1C' : d > 100 ? '#FC4E2A' : d > 50 ? '#FD8D3C' : d > 20 ? '#FEB24C' : d > 10 ? '#FED976' : '#FFEDA0';}function style(feature) {return { fillColor: getColor(, weight: 2, opacity: 1, color: 'white', dashArray: '3', fillOpacity: 0.7};}L.geoJson(statesData, {style: style}).addTo(map);
I have the layer rendering default colors with the following line, omnivore.topojson('./data/bmw_parcels_4326.json').addTo(map);
Something like the Leaflet tutorial example as follows would be nice. I just can't figure out how to call the function:
function getColor(d) { return d > 1000 ? '#800026' : d > 500 ? '#BD0026' : d > 200 ? '#E31A1C' : d > 100 ? '#FC4E2A' : d > 50 ? '#FD8D3C' : d > 20 ? '#FEB24C' : d > 10 ? '#FED976' : '#FFEDA0';}function style(feature) {return { fillColor: getColor(, weight: 2, opacity: 1, color: 'white', dashArray: '3', fillOpacity: 0.7};}L.geoJson(statesData, {style: style}).addTo(map);