Labelling polygons intersecting another polygon file

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have a series of polygons representing land packages and another shape file representing contour polygons of flood elevations in steps i.e 2-5m 5-10m >10m. I am wanting to label a polygon with the highest it intersects with i.e if there if there is a threshold change across the one asset it is labelled with the highest.

I have tried using an identity but that splits my land packages up into two if there is a threshold change going across it. I want to keep the same number of packages with whatever check I do it with.

I have also looked at turning my land packages to points and then joining back after the identity but given the placement of the point, it may not get the highest threshold for that package of land.

I need to do this with minimal manipulation as I need to be able to automate this process as there is lots of land packages with lots of flood scenarios I need to do this against.
