I'm trying to convert the Nielsen map of DMAs from a JSON to a shapefile. The properties of the json is as formatted like this:
"id": 546, "properties": { "name": "dma:", "latitude": 33.896366, "tvperc": 88.6, "dma": 546, "dma1": "Columbia, SC", "cableperc": 50.5, "adsperc": 38.8, "longitude": -80.9102195 However, when I drag the json to QGIS, the ID and the name column are the only thing that are retained. Similarly, when I try to convert this to a shapefile through ogr2ogr, the same thing occurs. Is there a way I can keep the properties? I know I can use the -select parameter but there are no examples on how to use this anywhere in the documentation. My code is below. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" nielsentopo.json "usa-dma.shp"
"id": 546, "properties": { "name": "dma:", "latitude": 33.896366, "tvperc": 88.6, "dma": 546, "dma1": "Columbia, SC", "cableperc": 50.5, "adsperc": 38.8, "longitude": -80.9102195 However, when I drag the json to QGIS, the ID and the name column are the only thing that are retained. Similarly, when I try to convert this to a shapefile through ogr2ogr, the same thing occurs. Is there a way I can keep the properties? I know I can use the -select parameter but there are no examples on how to use this anywhere in the documentation. My code is below. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" nielsentopo.json "usa-dma.shp"