Juniperus Thurifera -Genévrier thurifère - Genévrier à encens - Cèdre d'Espagne - Genévrier à résine odorante - Genévrier d'Espagne - Arâr, Aoual, Taoualt, Incense juniper, Spanish juniper, genévrier à l'encens, Spanische Zeder, Weihrauch-Sadebaum, Weihrauch-Wacholder, cedro de España, enebro, sabina albar, sabina blanca, trabina, العرعار الفواح, توالت
Juniperus thurifera L. (accepted name)
Classification source : Catalogue Of life
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It large shrub or tree reaching 6–20 m tall, with a trunk up to 2 m diameter and a broadly conical to rounded or irregular crown. The foliage is strongly aromatic, with a spicy-resinous scent. The leaves are of two forms, juvenile needle-like leaves 8–10 mm long on seedlings and irregularly on adult plants, and adult scale-leaves 0.6–3 mm long on older plants; they are arranged in decussate opposite pairs. It is dioecious with separate male and female plants. The cones are berry-like, 7–12 mm in diameter, blue-black with a whitish waxy bloom, and contain 1-4 seeds; they are mature in about 18 months. The male cones are 3–4 mm long, and shed their pollen in early spring
Photographer : Jamal ChaaouanJuniperus thurifera L. (accepted name)
- Juniperus africana (Maire) Villar (synonym)
- Juniperus bonatiana Vis. (synonym)
- Juniperus cinerea Carrière (synonym)
- Juniperus gallica (Coincy) Rouy (synonym)
- Juniperus hispanica Mill. (synonym)
- Juniperus thurifera subsp. africana (Maire) Romo & Borantinsky (synonym)
- Juniperus thurifera var. africana Maire (synonym)
- Juniperus thurifera subsp. gallica (Coincy) E. Murray (synonym)
- Juniperus thurifera var. gallica Coincy (synonym)
- Sabina foetidissima var. bonatiana (Vis.) Antoine (synonym)
- Sabina pseudothurifera Antoine (synonym)
- Sabina thurifera (L.) Antoine (synonym)
- Sabina villarsii Jord. (synonym)
Common names:
Juniperus Thurifera -Genévrier thurifère - Genévrier à encens - Cèdre d'Espagne - Genévrier à résine odorante - Genévrier d'Espagne - Arâr, Aoual, Taoualt, Incense juniper, Spanish juniper, genévrier à l'encens, Spanische Zeder, Weihrauch-Sadebaum, Weihrauch-Wacholder, cedro de España, enebro, sabina albar, sabina blanca, trabina, العرعار الفواح, توالتClassification:
- Kingdom : Plantae
- Phylum : Tracheophyta
- Class : Pinopsida
- Order : Pinales
- Family: Cupressaceae
- Genus : Juniperus
12 FRA-FR SPA-SP 20 ALG MOR-MO; SW Europe: S France (Alpes Maritimes), N and SE Spain; North Africa: Morocco, N Algeria.Classification source : Catalogue Of life
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