Join attributes by location doesn’t appear to be including data that it should

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Hi I hope someone can help.

I am trying to calculate the number of bus stops which are within 400m of c. 100 properties that are in relatively close proximity to one another.

Using MMQIS I created the 400m buffer for the properties, which was fine, but when they were displayed I noticed that quite a few overlapped one another. I then performed a ‘join attributes by location’, selecting my bus stop layer as the target vector layer and the 400m buffer layer as the ‘join vector layer’, and it quickly combined the two datasets. I initially thought this sequence of events was correct, but when I filter out some of the individual buffers which overlap it is clear that the combined dataset does not comprise all the bus stop data that features in the bus stop layer. And all the layers have the same CRS

I’m a missing a trick? I need to find the answer as quickly as possible. Is there a simple alternative way for this to be achieved if this beyond the capabilities of join attributes by location? Any help will be hugely appreciated.
