In the 1990s a team at the United Nations created a program, Map Scan for Windows, for converting raster format scans of printed maps to vector maps to be used as layers in a GIS. This project was discontinued in 1999. Subsequently a raster-to-vector conversion program, WinTopo, appeared (in a minimal freeware version and a more robust version for which there is a charge). In 2002 ESRI published ArcScan for ArcGIS, originally as an extension for ArcGIS 9 but now integrated into ArcGIS 10.WinTopo is definitely derived from the UN's Map Scan for Windows and it seems likely that ESRI's ArcScan is at least heavily influenced by it.It would be a great public service if some person (or team of people) out there would create an open source raster-to-vector conversion program, preferably as a part of QGIS.I will be happy to share with them the information that I have collected, including copies of the United Nations program and the user's manual for the program.