I've been reading up a bit on KML extended tags and custom data elements. https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/extendeddata
I have a person that likes using Google Earth but he is also in charge of updating attributes (and some features) but he refuses to use a GIS like QGIS or ArcGIS.
I can get a kml file formatted with all the attributed he needs for each feature, using the extended data tags, but I want him to be able to change them and then give me the file back so it can be integrated into our GIS.
Does anyone know of an interactive editor that allows editing of "attributes" formatted as extended data elements using Google Earth.
I have a person that likes using Google Earth but he is also in charge of updating attributes (and some features) but he refuses to use a GIS like QGIS or ArcGIS.
I can get a kml file formatted with all the attributed he needs for each feature, using the extended data tags, but I want him to be able to change them and then give me the file back so it can be integrated into our GIS.
Does anyone know of an interactive editor that allows editing of "attributes" formatted as extended data elements using Google Earth.