It’s time to refresh your browser—the Story Maps website has been recently updated and now includes My Stories,*a new and easy way to manage all of your story map applications.
My Stories is a one-stop place to view and manage your hosted story maps. My Stories presents detailed information about your story maps and includes tools for viewing, sharing, editing, and checking status—so you can identify and correct any issues, ensuring that all of your stories are the best they can be and work correctly for the level of sharing you have chosen.
Go to the Story Maps website and choose My Stories:
Once logged in to your ArcGIS account you will see a listing of your stories. Click a story to to view its details and run a comprehensive check for any issues, or choose Check Stories to check all of your story maps at once.
Story Maps with issues will be highlighted, click to expand and view details.
Other tools include a summary of your Story Map (number of sections or tour points, number of maps, layout style), a thumbnail chooser, sharing, content status, social media links, edit (launch builder), and a listing of all content, such as maps, images, and videos.
To start using My Stories and to explore and create great story maps, visit the Story Maps website.
Other website enhancements include a new home page look, a featured Story Map of the Month, and a useful*FAQ page. Also check the Five Principles of Effective Storytelling*to learn more about how you can tell great stories using Story Maps.
My Stories is a one-stop place to view and manage your hosted story maps. My Stories presents detailed information about your story maps and includes tools for viewing, sharing, editing, and checking status—so you can identify and correct any issues, ensuring that all of your stories are the best they can be and work correctly for the level of sharing you have chosen.
Go to the Story Maps website and choose My Stories:
Once logged in to your ArcGIS account you will see a listing of your stories. Click a story to to view its details and run a comprehensive check for any issues, or choose Check Stories to check all of your story maps at once.
Story Maps with issues will be highlighted, click to expand and view details.
Other tools include a summary of your Story Map (number of sections or tour points, number of maps, layout style), a thumbnail chooser, sharing, content status, social media links, edit (launch builder), and a listing of all content, such as maps, images, and videos.
To start using My Stories and to explore and create great story maps, visit the Story Maps website.
Other website enhancements include a new home page look, a featured Story Map of the Month, and a useful*FAQ page. Also check the Five Principles of Effective Storytelling*to learn more about how you can tell great stories using Story Maps.