I am trying to enter a metes and bounds description but it isn't plotting correctly. The description is:
When I try putting in W / 30ft and then N and 1148 ft via metes/bounds, there is no movement.
What is it I should be doing or not doing? The ArcGIS 9.3 desktop help is not very helpful. How does the "thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road;" AND "thence West 30 feet to the west line of the section; thence North 1148 ft to the place of beginning" come into play?
I'm using 9.3 ArcView if that helps.
5.3 acre parcel in the NW4, commencing at the Northest corner, thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road; thence S. 17 degrees - 05' E. 74 ft; thence S. 26-30 degrees E. 500 ft; thence S 1-40 degrees E 382 ft; thence S. 46 degrees W. 356 ft; thence West 30 feet to the west line of the section; thence North 1148 ft to the place of beginning.
The call I'm having a problem with is:
thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road
See the image below. The parcel that I did with the metes/bound is in yellow, slightly below the Borie text. The parcel is supposed to be in the white/green box to its left. I started my m/b off at "S 17-05 e / 74" and proceeded from there. It is supposed to be 5.3ac, but I am getting 4.7ac afterwards.
When I try putting in W / 30ft and then N and 1148 ft via metes/bounds, there is no movement.
What is it I should be doing or not doing? The ArcGIS 9.3 desktop help is not very helpful. How does the "thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road;" AND "thence West 30 feet to the west line of the section; thence North 1148 ft to the place of beginning" come into play?
I'm using 9.3 ArcView if that helps.