Interpolation grid for scattered data having (latitude, longitude) coordinates

المشرف العام

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I've got some scattered data in the form of (latitude, longitude, someParameterValue). I'm using inverse distance weighting interpolation method to interpolate them in a rectangular grid of pixels. Presently I'm generating the query points for that grid, in python, as given below. Please note that I've converted the (latitude, longitude) coordinates to cartesian (x, y) coordinates :

xr = int(math.ceil(xmax-xmin)); yr = int(math.ceil(ymax-ymin)) xres=yres=1 xr = math.ceil(xr/xres)+1 yr = math.ceil(yr/yres)+1 npts = int(xr * yr) queryPts = np.zeros(shape=(npts,2)) x1=xmin; y1=ymin idx=0 while(x1